5 Leadership Traits Of Saint Patrick You Can Use In The Workplace

St Patrick in the OfficeOn March 17th each year, bars and restaurants across the country (and around the globe) are usually filled with people drinking green or black beer, eating corned beef and cabbage, telling tales, singing songs, engaging with each other, and generally having a good time. 

But within all this merriment and fun, can we glean some business leadership skills and traits from St. Patrick - a man who lived over 1,500 years ago, who inspired and led others and became a revered figure in Ireland and around the world.

Here are five things St. Patrick did that we can all use to become better managers, leaders, and people. 

Be Present and Empathetic

According to the legend, he heard the people of Ireland's appeals for help, and even though he had initially been brought to Ireland against his will, he returned because he wanted to help them.  A great leader will always be there for his or her people regardless of circumstances.

Foster a Culture of Openness

He encouraged all-comers, to whom he listened attentively and had a candid dialogue. There was no forcing of ideas but rather a philosophy of helping others understand his messages. Managers who encourage open, two-way feedback will earn the trust and respect of their team. At all times, those in positions of authority must listen to the concerns of their people and discuss how they and the organization are working to make things better for everyone.

Encourage Different Ideas

He encouraged not just the poorer people of Ireland to follow his ways but also the (sometimes derided) chieftains and kings of different regions. There was no conflict involved, but rather an understanding of differences and the ability to influence and persuade everyone to enthusiastically join and work together.  When leaders encourage and help people work together, they are much more likely to understand the objectives and be eager to give their best.

Teach by Showing (not just talking)

stpatrickshamrock 200In addition to his words, he often used real-life examples and symbols to aid in his teachings, most notably using the Shamrock (which has since become synonymous with Ireland) to explain and demonstrate his doctrine. We all know the phrase that a good manager 'Knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way', and by being active rather than just giving directions, a leader gets their message across in a way that is much more receptive to the employees.

Remove Barriers to Success

Ok, just for fun (and we can all use a little humor) we will also throw in there that he supposedly drove all the snakes out of Ireland. A good leader understands that there may be a bad apple in the pack or some other reason(s) inhibiting progress and will do whatever they can to rid the organizations of these hindrances.  When a leader (or even just a co-worker) makes a conscious effort to help people achieve their goals and be successful in their job it is very much appreciated.


Remember to be there for others, talk encouragingly with them, and help them meet their goals and needs. Have a very happy Saint Patrick's Day.

