BP2W Case Studies
Success Stories Worth Sharing
An Even Better Place to Work has been used by numerous global organizations to drive up productivity and profits by boosting leadership and employee engagement. Our unique program helps companies address critical people issues such as openness, difference management, feeling valued, conflict, feedback, openness and motivation.
Here we present a sampling of their stories in PDF format.

Lush Digital (A Division of Lush Cosmetics)
Customer Satisfaction Increased by 3% in just 3 months.
After just three months using BP2W, the Team at Lush Digital was dramatically transformed. Customer satisfaction increased from 92% to 95% and escalated complaints were reduced significantly.
“The time I lose on people issues has reduced from around 60% to less than 10%” said Tracy (Macey) Trew - Group Head Customer Experience.

Siemens (UK)
Driving Up The Bottom Line
The decision to introduce An Even Better Place to Work at Siemens, was driven by "the need to increase our profit by 10% over 2 years".
Karen Meaden elaborates on how leadership development and increased collaboration facilitated by BP2W has helped them accomplish this goal.

Environment Agency (UK)
Creating the Right Culture and Environment
Phil Winrow needed to make some changes to improve the overall culture at the Envrionment Agency and selected BP2W because it "challenges assumptions (our own, those we hold about others) and gets us to appreciate the other point of view. It’s all about talking, and that’s a really important component of the business"

Cross Keys Homes
Absenteeism Down from 12 to 4 Days over a Two-Year Period
Mick Leggett, CEO of Cross Keys, attributes these successes to An Even Better Place to Work. "The program has made our place of work happier, more fulfilling for all and ultimately, more productive and high performing."
Read the rest of the story (including quotes from other employees) in this highly successful case study from the East of England.