
What People Say About BP2W

We love it when people say nice things about our Better Place to Work tool/solution and below we present a sampling of the comments received over the years. 

Please note, all referenced Job Titles, Organizations, Publications, etc... are based on when the testimonial was given (some people may have moved on to other things since then)

Entrepreneur Magazine (Online Edition)

This is a no-brainer: Every leader, every CEO wants engaged employees. After all, an engaged employee is a happy employee, and happy employees produce. [BP2W] offers just that. … It even offers individual- and team-building activities to improve any weak spots

Jeff Boss , Leadership Team Coach, Author, Speaker


What stood out about their program is that in addition to redefining the survey process, they also bridge the gap from the data analytics to the actions necessary to improve culture & team dynamics

George Laroque , HR Advisor, Influencer and Speaker (Founder of #HRWINS)


This a wonderful tool, easy to apply and just makes plain common sense - ingenious!

Jenni Jones, Head of Organization Development


A powerful, innovative way to engage staff - we got some very important issues onto the table.

Trisha Western, Head of Training & Development

BAE SYstems

it’s both top-down AND bottom-up. It works for the business & for the individual too.

Sarah Cooper, Head of HR

Siemens Traffic

The program had a real impact on the bottom line

Karen Meaden , Organizational Development

Maritime Coastguard Agency

our people who were not ‘natural’ leaders, have benefited enormously from this program

Ken Gordon , Head of Training

Yorkshire Water

provided me & my team with the tools to measure where we are & more importantly how we move forward. . . . . Over time the culture of ownership and accountability has grown to a point where the needs of each other are understood & respected & allow room to create solutions where needed

Vicky Farrell , Team Leader

Safe Move

I think it is a great program . . .  I love the fact that people have to take ownership of the issues/problems that arise and make goals to resolve them

Melody Thwaite , Senior Advisor