Frequently Asked Questions

Let's Answer A Few Things You Might Be Wondering About

Below are a collection of questions and comments that we hear when talking to people about Employee Engagement and our online program.

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If you have a question that is not answered here (or elsewhere on our site) please Contact Us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Team leaders can lose large chunks of time managing poor quality relationships at work. The great thing about BP2W is, it will actually free up your managers' time as team members resolve their own issues and become less dependent on their team leaders. It is leadership through engagement.

BP2W is designed so there will be no additional burden of time or effort on any one person in your organization. In fact as the program progresses and impacts on behaviors, there will be a generic freeing up of time for all your staff as there will be less moaning, misunderstanding and conflict and much higher levels of collaboration.

Your people can expect to enjoy coming to work more and to find fulfillment at work rather than outside of work.

BP2W is a cost-friendly solution, with three different tiers that start at less than $5 per month.  You can find more details on our tiers and pricing structure HERE

So for about the price of a coffee and a bagel your employees, teams, and organization get access to the Satisfaction @ Work diagnostic, the built-in improvement activities, individual and team goals, hints, tips, videos, posters, and more.

And if you want to see how much dysfunction and disengagement may be costing your organization to help you with some ROI numbers, head over to our free Employee Engagement Calculator website.


Number of Employees

Annual Cost of Dysfunction and Disengagement*

Annual Cost of BP2W (Level 2)*

100 $787,610 $3,312
250 $1,969,025 $8,280
500 $3,631,850 $15,783
1000 $7,876,100 $29,239
2000 $15,752,200 $52,699

* Amounts shown are taken from the Employee Engagement Calculator and BP2W as of February 2021

Most annual surveys merely provide point-in-time opinions and aggregate scores that must then be analyzed by Management and Human Resources looking for some (elusive) 'one-size-fits-all' answers.

The Satisfaction @ Work Index within BP2W is not simply for management to extract some statistics and then decide on actions. It is for all employees, so each person can have a baseline, decide on relevant actions and measure progress. Management have program oversight and help champion change by encouraging teams to work on what is important to them.

It is a tool for everyone, a tool that aids ownership and equips your people to take responsibility for improving the quality of their work life.

It is not just a's a solution

And if your company already uses a survey that works for you, BP2W can act as a complimentary solution to the people issues identified by the survey.

Many initiatives struggle because they are seen to simply be pandering to management's agenda (or a check-box exercise to appease HR).

BP2W is different - its is about the individual's agenda and hence will create a pull rather than the push effect for your organization.

Also, people tend to shy away from the latest 'flavor of the month' as it usually involves even more work for managers. But BP2W actually frees up your managers' time and is a systematized leadership program that will get you immediate results.

You can decide whether you want BP2W to have a high profile or move quietly through the company – people can just get on with the program in pairs, in teams and then across teams, at their own pace.

The only formal time commitment with BP2W is to the activities which take approximately 15-20 minutes each....either weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or on you own schedule.

Compare this to the time cost of poor relationships,  misunderstanding and conflict.

On average, employees spend the equivalent of 10-12 days each year dealing with dysfunction and conflict in the workplace - with managers and supervisors 'wasting' up to 40% of their time dealing with these issues.

The real question may not be whether you have time for this program but can you afford the time lost through dysfunctional relationships by not having this program.