Employee Openness
Being open is the ability to talk freely about needs, feelings, and concerns in the workplace. It is also about being receptive to new ideas and feedback.
Sharing information, feelings and concerns builds trust and is a primary key in any venture, activity, or project involving more than one person.
Employee openness and transparency also ensures that people are kept informed of issues as they arise and that everyone receives current knowledge about an ever-changing situation.
Lack of openness can create mistrust, lead to hidden agendas and be detrimental to the team, attitude, work, and productivity.
Company and business owners who value the thoughts and opinions of their staff stand a much better chance of being successful.
Within this indicator & activity we will;
- explore levels of openness within the team or department
- help people to be more open about themselves in a fun, non-threatening way
- provide an opportunity for staff to be more open and develop trust and openness in the team
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